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Legal notice

Responsible according to the press law:

SCC Container Carrier Spedition GmbH & Co. KG
Chief Executive: Carsten Daebel, Claus Daebel
Albert Bote Str. 14
D-28197 Bremen
Tel.: +49 (421) 520 53 -0
Fax: +49 (421) 520 53 -80

Companies register:
 Amtsgericht Bremen 
HRA 24930 HB
V.A.T. ID-no.: DE114429809
Regulating Authority:
Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Bremen, Parkstraße 58, D-28209 Bremen
Bundesamt für Logistik und Mobilität, Werderstr. 34, D-50672 Köln

We work only on basis of the latest issue of „Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen (ADSp)“. The ADSp under subparagraph 23 ADSp restrict the legal liability for damage through losses and damage of the good which is in the hands of the carrier to EURO 5.00 / per kg gross weight of the consignment and with multimodal transport including sea transport to SDR per kg. In addition to the above there is a restriction to 1 million EUR or 2 SDR for each kilogram, depending on which amount is higher and above that to 2 million or 2 SDR for each kilogram per damaging event depending on which amount is higher. For all other as through loss and damage of the good arising damage, the liability is restricted to triple fold of the amount payable with loss, to a maximum of EUR 100,000 per damage event. Subparagraph 23 ADSp is not considered as a release of liability according to the Montreal Protocol (MP). The latest version of our containertransport conditions apply to the transport of containers. For the renting of container chassis solely our GTC Chassis apply.


Picture credits

We own the rights to the images shown on this website.
Fotos by Thomas Neffgen, and Frank Schaub

Copyright 2024.

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